Hi, welcome to my website
I'm not sure what to put here yet.
What I like:
Growing something
Maybe just because I want to eat them
DIY every framework / software I could write myself
Feel more comfortable to use code written by myself
Google Translate
我英语很烂,这网页里面也许错字连篇,我看不出来 = 没有。
What I dislike:
Take useless notes (especially math)
Never take useless things onto my notebook, even it's in the instruction. To be honest, I almost did not get full score for each of my notebook check since Algebra II, but I don't care about the 5% participation points
Network blockade of any kind
In fact, I wrote a online proxy for my school's - baidu.com (Although unblocked, but it's 100% not correct the mistake immediately, but be extremely reluctant)
- unity.com (Yes this is 100% a game develop website)
- quora.com / reddit.com / stackexchange.com (I don't care what others use these websites to do, but I only know that each time I need to find some materials, I need to skip these top ranked websites)
- 8-digit .xyz domain (Oh no, scammers love those domains, and where is the so-called cyber safty?)
- epochtimes.com (Oh yes! Freedom of cult religion)
- Block my GitHub proxy project website as well (or block the whole GitHub!) That would be the BEST gift I have EVER received to recognize my work! OR
- Unblock everything
Apple product
Although sometimes I got to use them, I hate Apple for their closed system
Political correct
I am not dare to put anything hereTaiwan is an inalienable part of China.
AP Physics C
You got the equation to use? You plugged in the right number? You calculated an answer? Congratulates, You are wrong!
What does it block? Including but not limited to:
What does it not block? Including but not limited to:
Two things I am hoping: